Donate Today to help HSTV purchase new adult dog kennels
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$3,640 raised
$5,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley is seeking donations for the purchase of new cages and runs that will house 14 dogs. Housing will include two 10' units of six cages as well as two large dog runs. The two dog runs will allow us to accommodate more large and high-energy dogs, a population that is at a high risk for euthanasia in many high-volume shelters such as many of our partner shelters. The new 10' caging units will provide us with safe, well-functioning housing compatible with our new floor plan. These cages will replace some older stacked cages that no longer function safely or easily. The new cages will allow more dogs to be at ground level and house those who are not safely.
Our original goal for this project was $20,000 but thanks to a $10,000 grant from PetSafe and a $5,000 grant from Clayton we only need $5,000. Donate today and share with your friends.
Below you can see the kennels we are currently using for the small to medium size dogs.
This would be the new caging, which would provide more safety and comfort for our adult dogs.
We purchased 4 large dog kennels when we moved to this facility in 2011. Purchasing two more like the ones below would increase our large dog population to 6.